İğneada, located in Demirköy district of Kırklareli, contains all the beauties of the Black Sea with its unique forests, clean streams, various birds. We would not be exaggerating if we say that the word blue meets green that everyone says is perfect for İğneada.


Bulanik Dere Longozu, one of the most well-known streams of İğneada, draws attention with its being the largest stream in the region. Coming from Hamdibey Village and merging with Bickidere in Dolapdere and Üç Dereler regions, which are born from the mountains in the west of Demirköy, Bulanik Creek Longozu continues to sail towards the Black Sea by adding Kavakdere to its waters.


The next stop of Bulanik Dere Longozu is Deniz Lake. Bulanik Dere Longozu, which enters into the longoz from the Fidanlik locality, pours into the Black Sea after adding a few more streams.


If you happen to be in İğneada, please do not neglect to see Bulanik Dere Longozu, where you will be enchanted by its unique beauty. We wish you a pleasant holiday in advance.